
Navigating Selective College Admission

Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 3:30 PM until 4:30 PMPacific Daylight Time UTC -07:00

During your college search, you might encounter rankings and selectivity markers. These numbers seem important, but what do they really mean? How are college rankings determined? Vice President and Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, Milyon Trulove, will unpack the rankings system and show you how these numbers are set. This candid discussion will help you reflect on what matters most to you in your college search. His expert advice on the strategies for a successful college application will put you a step ahead in your pursuit of admission to a selective college. 

Please complete the form below to register for this virtual session. You will receive a confirmation email after you submit your registration, which will include a link to the pertinent Zoom connection information. Please note that all times are listed in Pacific Time.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the Office of Admission at 503/777- 7511. We look forward to connecting with you!

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